Locations of visitors to this page delhi's deviant: November 2006

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

This is why Formula 1 rules all!!

Fuck cricket man. Formula 1 is for people way more talented and committed and ballsy than our useless-assed,hiding behind armour and still pissing in their pants, weak-kneed cricketers.
And for those of you doubting thomases out there, i've gone and got some proof:

Sunday, November 05, 2006

This is the absolute Shit!!!

The most educative while at the same time enjoyable video i have ever seen about that most popular of human activities--copulation, i.e. sex, for all you horny,dumb fucks out there.
As usual the chinks do it differently, cos in case you haven't already noticed, babes, there ain't no gravity in China Town.
No, but seriously, too funny to be missed!