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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Never ask about a guy's shoes.....again!!

In Varanasi....
Passenger comes to use the washroom and i noticed his shoes.....these flashy New Balance jobs with silver logo on them. Pretty unique.
but i didn't think twice of them until 5 minutes later another guy walks up to use the washroom wearing the identical same pair of footwear.Now either these two guys are sharing one pair of shoes, otherwise it's pretty strange that two guys, unknown to each other,sitting on a flight far apart from each other are wearing the exact same pair of bling.
So i stopped him and asked, "do you have any friends on this flight?"
Old dude:"yes, mumble,something,mumble,mumble"
I:"I'm sorry. Do you have any friends or relatives on this flight?"
Old dude:"yes, yes!"
I:"Well, who is he?how are you two related?"
Old dude(pointing in direction of other old dude wearing the same shoes):"He's my husband!!!"
I:"sorry, can you help me clean up my spit and close my mouth for me now?"

The lst bit was made up......i just said "Nice Shoes" and carried on.

that's sick man.
just plain old sickness personified.
Needless to say i'm never noticing guys shoes ever again.


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